The Study Drug

What is the study drug?

The investigational study drug, RLY-2608, is a capsule taken either once or twice a day. It is designed to target and stop a protein that is created incorrectly by a mutated PIK3CA gene. Researchers at Relay Therapeutics want to learn if RLY-2608 can be given safely and if RLY-2608 shows early signs of anti-tumor activity as a treatment for patients with cancer that has a PIK3CA mutation.

Will I receive the study drug?

Yes, all qualified participants in the clinical trial will receive the study drug.

What is an “investigational drug?”

The study drug is investigational, which means groups like the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or European Medicines Agency (EMA) do not allow doctors to prescribe it as a standard therapy. It can only be used in clinical research studies.

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